Saturday, May 18, 2024

The old man had to hug his boy....

Does man need faith in God in the age of technology and artificial intelligence? Not everything is as simple as it seems.

An airplane flying from Moscow to Vladikavkaz tilted sharply to the left and began to lose altitude with a characteristic sound. 
Hand luggage flew off its seats and fell on the passengers. 
Adults screamed and children, frightened, cried in different voices. 
The stewardesses helplessly ran between the rows, making vain attempts to calm the passengers. 
In a minute the airplane cabin was already in complete chaos and panic. 
— What a hurtful and stupid death… — I thought, leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. 
Viscous apathy with its sticky tentacles enveloped me from head to toe. 
I didn't want to move. 
I didn't even want to breathe. 
I had fallen into a state of utter doom. 
My seat was on the aisle. 
To my left on the next row sat a gray-haired old man with a neat white beard. 
I opened my eyes and turned my head toward the old man. 
The old man also turned toward me. 
— Don't be afraid, son. Everything will be all right — he promised with a smile. 
— We are falling. It's not going to be all right. Unless we all go to heaven," I replied sluggishly. 
The old man straightened up. 
The rosary was in his hands. 
He looked at them silently for a few seconds, then smiled broadly, reached his hand to my head, and stroked my hair. 
A kind warmth emanated from his hand. 
— The Almighty is merciful. I know we will make it. Don't be afraid. 
I wanted to believe him, but our plane kept falling and panic kept growing. 
Suddenly, the airplane howled, rocked a few times and began to level off. 
A minute later, the airliner was flying smoothly. 
Over the loudspeaker, the captain announced that due to the failure of one of the engines, he had to make an emergency landing at the airport in Nalchik. 
We started to land. 
The landing was very hard. 
The plane hit the ground with force, bounced several times, but finally rolled, then slowed down and stopped at the very edge of the landing strip. 
The old man raised his hands up, silently thanked the Almighty with his lips and winked at me. 
Already on the way out of the airplane I asked the old man: 
— Why were you so sure that we would not crash? 
— My grandson fell ill and was in a coma for several months. The doctors said there was no hope for healing. But the Almighty heard my prayers, and a week ago he came to his senses. Now he's recovering fast. I flew to him. The Almighty could not save my boy and not let me hold him. He is merciful — answered the old man, smiled again and left the airplane. 
Having learned about the problems with the plane, the people who met him urgently left Vladikavkaz airport for Nalchik, and now with tears in their eyes met their loved ones right at the ramp. 
My younger brother did not let me out of his arms for a long time. 
When he calmed down, he looked at me in surprise and asked: 
— They said there that you had no chance of landing. They said you were bound to crash, and you're so calm. Are you in shock? 
I ruffled his hair, winked at him, exactly like the old man and replied: 
— We couldn't have crashed. The old man had to hug his boy ... 
— Well, yes. Well, yes — my brother muttered, looked at me suspiciously once more, and we drove home..... 

Source: Internet

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